A November Photo Walk

I’ve been rather antsy lately, so I really wanted to get out and do some picture taking. In the morning, I saw a blue sky. But the clouds started rolling in after lunch. That’s fine, I thought. If the weather is a bit dreary, I’ll just desaturate the photos.

November is one of my favorite times for photography. The sun is always low in the sky, the trees have shed most of their leaves, and it’s not too cold yet. There are always good opportunities for photos. If it’s cloudy and dreary, I still take photos. But in those cases, I try to take advantage of the conditions. I’ve always liked black and white photos. And I like the pure white sky you can often get in overcast conditions. But today, the sky was especially dramatic.

Here are some of the photos I took in downtown Kingston today. I wandered through the historic Sydenham Ward where you can find moody old buildings. And I braved the cold wind coming off the lake to snap some photos along the waterfront. You can find some more of the photos I took today at Kingston – Nov 18, 2011.

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